Monday, August 13, 2012

Life in Balance....

Ever feel like sometimes life is all out of whack?  Too much work, too much play, too much time alone, or even too much time with your kids (like all summer!!) can send you into a need to change frenzy.  I have been feeling a bit off key the last week or two, craving for some change in my life without any major life altering decisions.  So I asked myself, what is missing? What am I craving?  

First, I listened to my body and my mind.  My body has been a little overused from increasing my running and extra workouts, teaching multiple classes, etc.  I was tight, sore, overworked and feeling spent on a daily basis.  I knew I needed to change it up (Fuseology concept: perfectly balanced fitness!!) but what?  Ahh, flexibility was it!  I re-newed my practice of Bikram yoga 2 weeks ago and am seeing the changes in my body beginning already. Muscle memory, remember?  I fell back into it  again with ease and grace as if I never took a break (well maybe more grace than ease, but it clicked nonetheless).   I am a little sore in some areas not used to being stretched so deeply, but god it feels good! Reminder of why it's called a practice and realization of how much my tired little body needed it.  Some people ask what on earth about practicing yoga in a 105 degree room for 90 minutes is appealing? My answer: you have to go try it to find out for yourself :)

I also have been doing a lot of reading on running styles and approaches.  I do not believe that it has to kill your body! Like any exercise, if done correctly with good form, can be continued over time.  I am the queen of form in classes and bootcamp and personal training, but I realized my own running form sucked!! So I have been reading and trying to adapt the Chi Running approach to my running practice.   I think this next 1/2 marathon will go amazingly better than the last. Still very early on, but did a quick and easy 4 miles today in less time per minute and with less effort - now that I love!!!

And last but not least, family time!!! My hubby travels a ton most weekends (when I happen to be off!), I work early am, he works late, we are like ships passing in the night and we have non-existent family time with the 4 of us.  I have to tell myself that above all other obligations, family time comes first.  Before birthday parties, before cookouts, just time with the 4 of us.  We had a great afternoon and evening together yesterday catching up and reconnecting again.  Guess that will have to hold us over til next month!!

So I encourage, I urge you, to look introspectively into your own life this week.  Before school begins, before summer ends, what are you craving or missing lately?  It might be something simple or a big AHA!, but it should be for the better.  And always remember, YOU are what has to come first.


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