Monday, July 30, 2012

Confessions of a Product Junkie

Confession: I am a product junkie! I love beauty products and especially those that work!  You won’t find a huge stockpile around my house, except for free hair products, but it’s mostly my hubby’s, but what I have is a good stock of products that I have found work best for my skin and hair.   I have dealt with adult onset acne in my late 20’s, along with some crazy hormonal stuff that made my hair thin and fall out of my head and grow like a gorilla on my legs.  I have tried it all: Pro Activ, good old benzoyl peroxide, over the counter hair serums, only to have little to minimal success.  I tried a ton of different product brands over the years but never really loved any of them. So here are my favs that work to keep me looking as good as I can. Keep in mind that if you have thicker, more luxe and beautiful hair and gorgeous, already glowing skin, these may not work for you.

Here is my tried-but-true list of my personal favorites:

Peels! I was recently introduced to peels about two years ago. I have tried glycolic, the Obagi Blue Radiance, and have done the Vi Peel several times.  I truly love them and now I am a sadist saying, bring it on! The more powerful, the better! I have shed like a lizard for 7 days but in the end, my skin is as smooth as a you-know-what.  I think I am moving up from the VI peel to a customized one at my medi spa, very excited!  I recently regularly added into my weekly regimen a Lactic acid peel by a local MD company called Makeup Artist’s Choice.   Love it!

Medical grade skincare - I began using a product line called Obagi a little over a year ago and fell in love.  It truly is the first skincare line that really made a noticeable difference in my skin, while adding protection at the same time.  I started with their NuDerm line and have now transitioned to their Vitamin C line, with some Nu Derm mixed in.  I use Retin A every night and their Medical grade SPF 55 sunscreen EVERYDAY as my moisturizer. It’s light, doesn’t break my skin out every, and gives me sun protection year round.  Other favorite products in my daily skincare regimen is a Vitamin C serum by Ramona Cline skincare that I use in the am on my face, neck, and chest and Replenix Eye Cream that I try to apply twice daily.   Vitamin C is so good for your skin and fills it with antioxidants and keeps it fresh and from looking lack luster. I also wash my face every night, hit my Retin A, and use a mineral mask and my lactic acid peel weekly (not on the same day).  I figure if I’m always smiling then I have to keep at work on those smile lines.

Salon Hair care - I used a plethora of drug store crap on my hair for years before I married a hair stylist and learned what a difference good products make.  I use exclusively Redken and Pureology; partly because that’s who he works for and mainly because it works!! They make a ton of products that turn my flat, lifeless hair into something that looks like Rapunzel (not really, but you get the point).  I personally favor their Extreme line to help protect my hair against the frequent highlighting I get and the daily ponytail that causes some extra breakage.  I use it for hair cleansing, styling, and for color.  Now, if I can just get my hubby to give me some extensions…

Makeup – I am not a one brand fits all kinda gal.  I use different makeup brands for certain seasons and keep it as easy as possible.  I use a Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer in the summer and a mineral foundation by Illuminaire in the winter.   I have Cover Girl mascara that costs $5 and Chanel blush that costs $50 – I use what I love and what works for my skintone.   But truthfully, most days I use my moisturizer, a little concealer, lip gloss, a swipe of blush and mascara, and I’m good to go!

Preventative Maintenance – kinda like a car, you gotta stay ahead of the game with maintenance.  I have been waxing for years, have moved on to laser hair removal for some stubborn spots, get my peels regularly 3-4 times a year, whiten my teeth every couple of months, do a protein treatment on my hair daily, and of course exercise regularly as you know!!! Staying ahead of the 8 ball is my motto, and I am not ashamed to admit that once the 40’s roll in, I may fair a hand or two and some injectables if so needed.  Just for maintenance, not facial transformation – let’s be real here.

So stay beautiful, try some new stuff, and if this blog in any way offended you, than you clearly are not vain enough.  Happy Maintaining!!


Clean Eating and Crappy Cooking

Have you ever heard the expression before, “Abs are made in the kitchen”? Well they are! I am a firm believer of the 90-10 motto: 90% is what you eat, 10% is what you do.  Does that mean you can never splurge? Of course not! How boring would that be?!   I develop the 90-10 approach to my eating as well – 90% of my diet is eating good, wholesome foods and 10% of my diet is the “God, I have to have” foods.   This keeps me sane, on track, and exhibiting healthy eating habits for my family, my clients, and myself.

Now, I know some people have no trouble eating clean; it’s just what they know.  I can honestly say I didn’t grow up in a household that ate clean all the time and I definitely lived off my share of Doritos and pizza for much of my youth.  I was never really exposed to different ways fruits and veggies can be prepared and consumed, and really had a huge disdain for them. It wasn’t until my 20’s that I had a house and a kitchen of my own and began to explore different foods and ways to cook them.  I would have never ate an eggplant back in the day and it’s one of my favorite veggies now.  Brussel sprouts –ewww!!!! But my hubby makes a mean roasted brussel sprout dish that makes even the kids ask for seconds.  And I have come to realize that salads really are the best bang for my buck and I can make a healthy, nutritious and filling one without tons of dressing and packed with protein and nutrients, all under 200 calories.  I used to think I can run that extra mile or workout 15 minutes longer to balance it all out, until the 6 pack stays hidden forever under that never ending layer of belly fat.  I know that if I want to have them make a revival again, my food choices are key.  And most importantly, I know I am feeding my body food as fuel, that keeps me stronger, prevents me from injuries and illness, and it actually tastes yummy!

I am not, however, a cook or kitchen connoisseur.  I cook because we have to eat, not because I enjoy it, and I have found a stockpile of favorite recipes I either created myself and stick to or rely on my trusty clean eating websites.  Meals are pretty simple and rotate weekly.  I drink the same protein smoothie and eggs every day and like the same salad for lunch.  You can ask my hubby, variety is not the name of the game in our house unless he’s in town and cooks!  But it’s healthy, keeps us from ordering pizza or hitting a drive thru line (which we don’t eat by the way – after seeing “Supersize Me”, no way!!)  I shop weekly and buy fresh as much as I can.  That means foods without and ingredient list.  Do we still have some goodies in the pantry, sure, but’s that’s where my 10% hides so I try to keep it to a minimum.  I buy organic on anything I am going to eat whole, skip the bananas because you peel them anyway, but items like meats, eggs, berries, lettuce, etc. definitely.  If I had a green thumb, I would grow my own but anyone who knows me can attest that it would surely die within a week.   Maybe one day…

So eat clean, shop often, indulge a little, and try to hand at something new. I am trying a new lentil and quinoa recipe this week that I will let you know how it goes.  Keep cooking, clean eating, and enjoy your week!

Top Clean Eating Websites

Check out my YouTube channel, fitbackyardbodies, for my daily smoothie and kale chips recipe.  And these fine favorites!

Brutal Honesty, Fat Clothes, and Thoughtful Running

You wanna know what my secret to being thin is? Knowing what it’s like being fat! Now, I am not talking obese by any means, but fat, out of shape, and down in the dumps – yes.  Those of you who know the current me, are thinking, “What are you talking about you little size 4 twit?  You don’t know the first thing about being overweight.” (I actually had a personal training client mutter these words in the midst of her say 20th rep of jump squats; I think it was the jump squats talking).   Well, contrary to what you see today, that was not the case for a brief and hope-to-be-forgotten stage of my life in my late 20’s.  I breached the scale, pushing past 200 pounds and topping at a size 16.   Almost to the point of no longer being able to shop at regular clothing stores, I finally said “enough is enough!!!” I am tired of being tired, lazy, sluggish, and overweight. And so my journey began….

Now there are those people who love to exercise and those who HATE to exercise. I am fortunate to be one of the people who love it.  I simply had a period of time in my life where it, among other things like my waistline, went AWOL.  I was one of those kids and teens who could eat whatever I wanted, ran cross country, tried every sport out there and maintained a 5’7” frame around 100 lbs of sheer lean, muscle.  Then came love, and marriage, and then you guessed it, 2 baby carriages!! I had my kids back to back, 13 months apart, but still managed to lose all the weight I gained with both minus about 5 pounds, got back to running, the gym, even got my Pilates certification and starting teaching.  Life was good and all were happy.  Over the course of the next 5 years, life happened.  We moved, I changed jobs to cover the new, big house we bought, our kids were busy with activities and life, and so was I. I committed the cardinal sin, rule #1, that I preach to my clients: TAKE TIME FOR YOU.  The only time I took time for was crashing my head on the pillow at night.  How could I have 2 babies, work full time, and manage to work out and now 3 years later it doesn’t seem feasible?  So I did what anyone would do with no time on their hands: EAT! I didn’t just eat, I ate!! I baked, I consumed, and I barely lifted a finger fitness-wise.  This downward spiral took place over about a 2 year period, making me more fat and more miserable with myself as the days went on.   When Lane Bryant and Jenny Craig starting called, it was time to make a change.

I started first with getting my butt moving again, dusted off the old treadmill, and away I went.  I signed up for boot camps, classes, 2 gym memberships, and a personal trainer.  The pantry got a major overhaul, no more 10pm brownie baking, and the chips went bye-bye. Over the course of a year, I had lost about 40 of the 70 pounds I had gained but still had a way to go.   Life started to get easier; we dumped the new, big house for a smaller one, in an awesome neighborhood conducive to walking and fitness.   My kids were regulars at the gym day care, they watched Blue Clues while I ran on the treadmill or lifted weights beside them, and joined us for walks and bike rides.   The weight slowly started coming off again, and 3 personal trainers, many boot camps and classes later, I hit my goal weight.

After going through a very pivotal moment in my life, I really wanted to be able to help people overcome the same issues I dealt with.  I got my personal training certification and did just that.  I know what its like to get obsessed over food, to have life take over for you, and to put yourself last.  I will say that what makes me a better person, mom, and wife now, is putting myself first.   As you know, “if Momma ain’t happy, nobody is!”   Now a believer of 90% clean eating, 10% indulgence, I can say I feel very complete in the food realm, even without my weekly brownies. I was able to lose another 10 pounds through teaching 4-5 Barre Fusion classes, 3 boot camp classes, and walking/running weekly.    I lift weights, I love to box, I love to dance, and I try to find time to do it all.   Do I wish I never had gained all that weight? Sure I do.  I wish I didn’t have the extra stretch marks, not-so-taut skin, and the extra spider veins. But being overweight taught me what I have to do the rest of my life to stay healthy, in shape, and proud of the body I live in.  I keep moving every day to keep myself doing just that. Do I work my ass off (literally) to stay thin?? You betcha.  Is it worth it? Every second J 

My 5 Mantras for Life & Fitness

·       Move your ass every day – it will thank you later!
·       Don’t drink your calories, unless it’s Friday.
·       Step away from the ab machine and hit the floor – your own body weight gets the job done just as good.
·       Do something every day for yourself, even if it’s taking a longer shower or the long way home for some extra “me” time.
·       Love the body you have, it’s the only one you are going to get 


Blog Blahs!!

So I had a great post written and saved on quinoa and its great benefits, etc, etc. and then... I couldn't access my blog account.  So here's a new one up and running with the same blogs from last week reposted .  Enjoy!
