Monday, July 30, 2012

Brutal Honesty, Fat Clothes, and Thoughtful Running

You wanna know what my secret to being thin is? Knowing what it’s like being fat! Now, I am not talking obese by any means, but fat, out of shape, and down in the dumps – yes.  Those of you who know the current me, are thinking, “What are you talking about you little size 4 twit?  You don’t know the first thing about being overweight.” (I actually had a personal training client mutter these words in the midst of her say 20th rep of jump squats; I think it was the jump squats talking).   Well, contrary to what you see today, that was not the case for a brief and hope-to-be-forgotten stage of my life in my late 20’s.  I breached the scale, pushing past 200 pounds and topping at a size 16.   Almost to the point of no longer being able to shop at regular clothing stores, I finally said “enough is enough!!!” I am tired of being tired, lazy, sluggish, and overweight. And so my journey began….

Now there are those people who love to exercise and those who HATE to exercise. I am fortunate to be one of the people who love it.  I simply had a period of time in my life where it, among other things like my waistline, went AWOL.  I was one of those kids and teens who could eat whatever I wanted, ran cross country, tried every sport out there and maintained a 5’7” frame around 100 lbs of sheer lean, muscle.  Then came love, and marriage, and then you guessed it, 2 baby carriages!! I had my kids back to back, 13 months apart, but still managed to lose all the weight I gained with both minus about 5 pounds, got back to running, the gym, even got my Pilates certification and starting teaching.  Life was good and all were happy.  Over the course of the next 5 years, life happened.  We moved, I changed jobs to cover the new, big house we bought, our kids were busy with activities and life, and so was I. I committed the cardinal sin, rule #1, that I preach to my clients: TAKE TIME FOR YOU.  The only time I took time for was crashing my head on the pillow at night.  How could I have 2 babies, work full time, and manage to work out and now 3 years later it doesn’t seem feasible?  So I did what anyone would do with no time on their hands: EAT! I didn’t just eat, I ate!! I baked, I consumed, and I barely lifted a finger fitness-wise.  This downward spiral took place over about a 2 year period, making me more fat and more miserable with myself as the days went on.   When Lane Bryant and Jenny Craig starting called, it was time to make a change.

I started first with getting my butt moving again, dusted off the old treadmill, and away I went.  I signed up for boot camps, classes, 2 gym memberships, and a personal trainer.  The pantry got a major overhaul, no more 10pm brownie baking, and the chips went bye-bye. Over the course of a year, I had lost about 40 of the 70 pounds I had gained but still had a way to go.   Life started to get easier; we dumped the new, big house for a smaller one, in an awesome neighborhood conducive to walking and fitness.   My kids were regulars at the gym day care, they watched Blue Clues while I ran on the treadmill or lifted weights beside them, and joined us for walks and bike rides.   The weight slowly started coming off again, and 3 personal trainers, many boot camps and classes later, I hit my goal weight.

After going through a very pivotal moment in my life, I really wanted to be able to help people overcome the same issues I dealt with.  I got my personal training certification and did just that.  I know what its like to get obsessed over food, to have life take over for you, and to put yourself last.  I will say that what makes me a better person, mom, and wife now, is putting myself first.   As you know, “if Momma ain’t happy, nobody is!”   Now a believer of 90% clean eating, 10% indulgence, I can say I feel very complete in the food realm, even without my weekly brownies. I was able to lose another 10 pounds through teaching 4-5 Barre Fusion classes, 3 boot camp classes, and walking/running weekly.    I lift weights, I love to box, I love to dance, and I try to find time to do it all.   Do I wish I never had gained all that weight? Sure I do.  I wish I didn’t have the extra stretch marks, not-so-taut skin, and the extra spider veins. But being overweight taught me what I have to do the rest of my life to stay healthy, in shape, and proud of the body I live in.  I keep moving every day to keep myself doing just that. Do I work my ass off (literally) to stay thin?? You betcha.  Is it worth it? Every second J 

My 5 Mantras for Life & Fitness

·       Move your ass every day – it will thank you later!
·       Don’t drink your calories, unless it’s Friday.
·       Step away from the ab machine and hit the floor – your own body weight gets the job done just as good.
·       Do something every day for yourself, even if it’s taking a longer shower or the long way home for some extra “me” time.
·       Love the body you have, it’s the only one you are going to get 


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